Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Mornin

Woke up tired..took that cold sleep formula last night.
Didn't do morning recharge exercises
Big cup of coffee..3 big pieces of jewish rye toast with coconut butter honey and cinnamon.
Codliver oil, cinnamon capsule, mag/cal beachbody pill.


Listening to Paul Sheeles unlimited abundance...PoliWood on TV..I detest that stuff..


biorythm today? hmmm

Need to do 200 burpees today..can't imagine that..oh had big fire in compost last night from putting chiminea ash in with out dousing in water...almost burned down the was a huge compost inferno..started burning trimming..but my firefighting hose skills saved the night!!

Last night was beans and bison burgers and chips...hmmm

Steering towards a raw food..low processed food low meat diet i think...